Thursday, June 26, 2008

First workshop- self reflection

What did I do?

Despite the information I had gained previously by asking Lynn a number of questions via email, I was still not quite sure what to expect from the project.
I was surprised by the variety of knowledge and experience the project members bring into this project and I was convinced that this will benefit everyone involved. Once the objectives were set out and I got a better picture of what was expected, I was still left with the question of what to do. Therefore, the active approach the group took by starting to research different areas really suited me as I did not know where to start. The initial task of checking out various websites given by Lynn, provided me with the necessary starting point as I had for example, never heard of, or the words blogs and podcasting (that might be partly due to the fact that I am german).
Together with Jess I investigated and we set up our own accounts. Once confronted with words I was not familiar with, I started looking them up on wikipedia, an already familiar source. During my research I came across the concept of e-portfolio's which I really liked, so my research took a quite specific direction early on. I also started exploring the possibilities of eportfolios and in specific Mahara, a software to set up an eportfolio.

How did I react?

Being exposed to a lot of unfamiliar words/concepts, I felt like in a foreign country where I cannot speak the language, which initially was a frustrating and discouraging feeling. However, my willingness to learn, my persistence and my natural curiosity (and of course the fact, I was part of a digital literacy project) pushed me in the opposite direction by encouraging me to set myself ambitious goals and researching everything I do not know in order to learn as much as I can.

What did I learn?

  • project objectives/expectations
  • what is and how to use it
  • meaning of web.2, blog, podcasting, e-portfolio

My objectives for this project

  • learn how to set up an e-portfolio (investigate different methods)
  • learn how to do blogs
  • investigate project management software
  • learn how to set up and maintain a website
  • get more familar with the jargin/concepts used
  • learn how to use familiar tools/concepts more effiently
  • exchange knowledge and experience with the rest of the group

What resources/help is needed?

  • knowledge and support of other group members
  • ???

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