Thursday, July 31, 2008

Seventh workshop (compulsory)

What did I do?

This week I was more or less cut off from the digital world as I experienced more difficulties with my laptop. I caught several viruses and spyware on my computer so three different programmes were run to clean up my laptop and my operating system had to be re-installed which forced me to back-up all my files.
In the workshop Anil showed us how to use our task and tool bar more efficiently as well as how to work with two or more screens or with two operating systems (apple and windows on a mac laptop with a program called parallels). I also read some articles in net guide magazines about anti-virus software. Furthermore, I had a conversation with Rachael about text-to-speech software in which we exchanges our knowledge on the topic.

How did I feel?

Therefore I was not able to do any research which added to my already built up frustration. Being without a computer and internet for days made me feel isolated and I vasted time on hand-writing things I am going to have to type when my laptop is ready again.
It was great to catch up with everyone and being shown what each of them had learned and how they progressed.

What did I learn?

  • I learned how dependent I am on my laptop
  • how important anti-virus systems are
  • the variety of anti-virus software on the market
  • how to do a back-up of my outlook files
  • how to use my task and tool bar more efficiently

Emerging questions related to my experiences

  • what anti-virus software to go for (free or buy)?
  • can you have more than one installed?
  • is spyware and anti-virus software the same?
  • how to do back-up of your files?

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sixth workshop (voluntary)

What did I do?

Over the past week I researched e-learning systems and especially what text-to-speech softwares are available as "how to make learning easier through the help of digital media" has become another interest of mine. Furthermore, I visited Anil's website and blog and learnt more about podcasting. On that note, I would like to catch up with everyone on Friday. I investigated how to group tags at to use it more effectively. Moreover, I added a RSS feed to my blog. I also investigated services that offer setting up websites free of charge and chose to set one up with To my frustration, I also received a virus on my Laptop which I hope to get sorted with Anil's help. Unfortunately, I could not attend the Friday session.

How did I feel?

The virus experience was really frustrating and off-putting, but there is so many positive experiences you can have with your computer that I just need to get on with it and concentrate on the positive experiences.

Figuring out how to use more effectively gave me some confidence back and finding out about the tools to enable easier learning with digital media help urged me to find out more, so I will continue investigating this topic.

What did I learn?

  • how to tag articles on and group them to use it more effectively

  • how to set up a website using
  • features of some of the text-to-speech software on the market
  • how to add an RSS feed to my blog

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fifth workshop (compulsory)

What did I do?

During the past week, I became more digital savy as I served through the web exploring various sides about safety and various available tools. With help of Anil, I was able to log in properly to Mahara and load information to my portfolio. I also read articles about how to set up your own website and did some research about which software to use as I would like to put it into action. During the session I encountered more information concerning when it is suitable to pay for a website (when setting up my own business for example) and when setting up a website for free is appropriate (for training purposes or for projects). I added a link on the right for you to check out.

How did I feel?

I felt very excited about the fact that I was reading articles about something totally out of my comfort zone/interests and I was even more surprised that I enjoyed it. I will try to read more widely, especially concerning computers and digital media as it is really interesting and less confusing as more time I spend on it. It seems that being involved in the project has made this topic less scary.

What did I learn?

  • what a cookie is and how to I can control the cookies I receive

  • how to load up more information on my eportfolio

  • when to pay for a website and when to set one up for free

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth Workshop (Voluntary)

What did I do?

I investigated how to use efficiently from any computer and added more url's to it. I also started to explore how to load more information onto my eportfolio at Mahara, which I got stuck on. I also assisted other research members in problems they encountered. I also send Anil an email asking for help concerning Mahara.

How did I react?

After being frustrated about not being able to add url's to from any computer-I persisted in finding a solution by exploring every button on the websiten until I figured it out and was able to share it with everyone. Not being able to figure out how to add information to my eportfolio I felt discouraged after being successful in solving other problems I encountered. It feels as there is always an immediate drawback as soon as success is achieved in one area.

What did I learn?

I learned how to add url's to from any computer.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Second workshop (voluntary)

What did I do?

During the past week I set up a blog, an eportfolio at my space and I looked up jargin I was unfamiliar with. The self initiative I took during the week in exploring blogs and e-portfolios paid also off for the other members as I was able to share my experiences and help when similar problems were encountered.

I also challenged myself with setting up a second blog at blogger to see if I could connect them, which was successful. I was also finally able to register an account with mahara, so I can create an e-portfolio there. With the increasing exposure of some of my details on the web, my concern about misuses and protection grew. I would like to investigate security on the web further before putting personal information on my eportfolios.

How did I react?

I was happy with my accomplishments, but I am also concerned about exposing to much private information onto the web.

What did I learn?

  • I learned to set up two blogs and how to interconnect them
  • I learned how to set up an eportfolio account
  • I also experienced that research in this environment can have its drawbacks: As getting interrupted by other members can throw one off what he/she is doing at the time and therefore, slow one down. (Do not get this wrong people, I am still very happy to help others as I am sure I will need help, too-it is just a reflection here.)