Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fourth Workshop (Voluntary)

What did I do?

I investigated how to use efficiently from any computer and added more url's to it. I also started to explore how to load more information onto my eportfolio at Mahara, which I got stuck on. I also assisted other research members in problems they encountered. I also send Anil an email asking for help concerning Mahara.

How did I react?

After being frustrated about not being able to add url's to from any computer-I persisted in finding a solution by exploring every button on the websiten until I figured it out and was able to share it with everyone. Not being able to figure out how to add information to my eportfolio I felt discouraged after being successful in solving other problems I encountered. It feels as there is always an immediate drawback as soon as success is achieved in one area.

What did I learn?

I learned how to add url's to from any computer.

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