Saturday, July 12, 2008

Fifth workshop (compulsory)

What did I do?

During the past week, I became more digital savy as I served through the web exploring various sides about safety and various available tools. With help of Anil, I was able to log in properly to Mahara and load information to my portfolio. I also read articles about how to set up your own website and did some research about which software to use as I would like to put it into action. During the session I encountered more information concerning when it is suitable to pay for a website (when setting up my own business for example) and when setting up a website for free is appropriate (for training purposes or for projects). I added a link on the right for you to check out.

How did I feel?

I felt very excited about the fact that I was reading articles about something totally out of my comfort zone/interests and I was even more surprised that I enjoyed it. I will try to read more widely, especially concerning computers and digital media as it is really interesting and less confusing as more time I spend on it. It seems that being involved in the project has made this topic less scary.

What did I learn?

  • what a cookie is and how to I can control the cookies I receive

  • how to load up more information on my eportfolio

  • when to pay for a website and when to set one up for free

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